Mother’s Day Walk in the Hailey Rhododendron Grove

We started today with a walk in one of my favourite places in Nanaimo, the Hailey Rhododendron Grove. We always try to get there around this time of year to get the best effect from these amazing trees. While there are some small rhododendrons, many of the plants here are very old, as the GroveContinue reading “Mother’s Day Walk in the Hailey Rhododendron Grove”

On the Mend

Nope I haven’t been sick, but I am looking to mend! I am going to learn how to mend my clothing. Well, I am teaching myself how to mend my woolens mostly. I have been a sewer, (sewist?) all my life. I started with Barbie clothes and I have made my own and my children’sContinue reading “On the Mend”

Bead Knits

On the subject of beads…. It can be said with some authority that I am more than a little obsessed with beads and the many possibilities they offer for embellishment on our knits. It is more than a pity that our society really isn’t so much into the glittering styles of the past! I wouldContinue reading “Bead Knits”

Spring Fling Shawls

I had a couple of shawl samples come back from my test knitter in the last couple of weeks. It was planned and it worked! They both are knit in fabulous fresh Spring colours! And I hope to have both patterns out by the end of May! Cockleshell Love – knit in B.C. Garn LochContinue reading “Spring Fling Shawls”

Life in General

I had to swatch one more time for the Kate Davies MKAL. And I think it is a winner. Subject to change without notice off course! This year I am trying to widen my horizon beyond knitting books and knitting everything in general. It is going to be a year of recovery after my lastContinue reading “Life in General”

A Little Summer Entertainment

I have been a fan of Kate Davies ever since I first discovered her patterns and books! I love her sense of style and secretly covet every piece of her wardrobe! Her sense of style resonates with me. Over the years I have participated in several clubs, collected, yes collected with no real purpose inContinue reading “A Little Summer Entertainment”

Free Patterns

Here are a few of my free patterns that I have loaded up onto the site just for you to download as you please. All gathered up onto a single page. If the downloads do not work – please let me know. I have tested the links but things do happen. If it is purpleContinue reading “Free Patterns”

Domestic Goddess

I am not! Are you? I have a friend who will decide to be a domestic goddess for the weekend and knock off her housework all at once! I am not that person. But I envy her ability just to decide to “do It”! I – when I am feeling the urge – am aContinue reading “Domestic Goddess”

Playing Hookey

So I ditched my other projects just to play with the beautiful BFL yarn. This morning I transferred the yarn onto a 32 inch circular needle… Now I have to focus on some of my other projects. Happy Knitting! Lynette